Who we are

The promotion, organization and dissemination of the arts and performing arts as well as the protection and valorisation of cultural heritage, including public shows, conferences, debates, publications, image and sound recordings, walks, workshops, research and related services to be carried out in Portugal.

For the development of its aims, the association intends to carry out several initiatives and projects, including concerts by different groups and in different spaces, dance performances, including site-specific, and tailored activities for the youngest and the elderly, debates and conferences on heritage and its relationship to local people, contributing to skills development and reinforcing the use of digital media.

Artistic team




Board of Directors

Supervisory board


Élio Correia



Maria Helena Cunha



João Miguel Silva


Ana Mafalda Pernão



João Nuno Pernão



Alice Pernão


Lília Sousa



Maria de Lourdes Sequeira

Paulo Cunha

What we do

Shows and events



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Enrollment for Dance at Casa do Povo

Past events

Pequenos Grandes Artistas: Residência artística para a infância

With the support of Tavira's Municipality, through the program Equinocios.

Dance, music and visual arts for the youngest among us.

Three talks hosted by Casa de Hóspedes Viana in Cabanas de Tavira, to highlight the 50th anniversary of the 25th of April: Tell and retell Cabanas, the Ria and the Future 50 years after the dawn of Freedom.


1st. "Who lived here", with the aim of reviving memories of the place, the people and their crafts. Opening of the painting exhibition by Cassiano Afonso, a local painter.
2nd. "Water and the expression of life", on the theme of water and sustainability with guests Afonso do Ó and A. Rita Carrasco. Opening of the photography exhibition by Alice Pernão, inspired by the Ria in Cabanas.
3rd. "The future lives here", dedicated to the youngest inhabitants of Cabanas. Exhibition of school projects by the students of EB1 Cabanas.

September 23 to December 6,  2024: artistic residency;

December 7, 2024: public showing.

Não! Só quero a liberdade!

Música - Hélder Alves (saxofone)

Dança - Carlo Schiavo e Catarina Pernão

Leitura - Ana Mafalda Pernão

Regie - Apoio da Câmara Municipal de Tavira

Concert, dance and poetry show.

Partilha Alternativa invites us to take part in the celebrations of the anniversary of Álvaro de Campos, an important poetic character in Tavira. Eugénio de Andrade, Mário de Sá Carneiro and Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso, contemporaries of Pessoa and Campos, are invited to this year's birthday party. The show thus reveals a glimpse of Portugal's modernity, taking poetry as a starting point for musical and dance improvisation.


The show toured to Lisbon's Academia de Amadores de Música on the 5th of December 2024.

Em parceria com a Partilha Alternativa e o Clube Recreativo Cabanense.

Com o apoio da CCDR Algarve e do Município de Tavira.


24 de Novembro de 2024 às 18:30.

Clube Recreativo Cabanense, Cabanas de Tavira.

Conversas em Liberdade

In colaboration with Casa de Hóspedes Viana.

Part of the official program for the 50th anniversary of the 25th of April.

Three talks in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the 25th of April.

Three talks hosted by Casa de Hóspedes Viana in Cabanas de Tavira, to highlight the 50th anniversary of the 25th of April: Tell and retell Cabanas, the Ria and the Future 50 years after the dawn of Freedom.


1st. "Who lived here", with the aim of reviving memories of the place, the people and their crafts. Opening of the painting exhibition by Cassiano Afonso, a local painter.
2nd. "Water and the expression of life", on the theme of water and sustainability with guests Afonso do Ó and A. Rita Carrasco. Opening of the photography exhibition by Alice Pernão, inspired by the Ria in Cabanas.
3rd. "The future lives here", dedicated to the youngest inhabitants of Cabanas. Exhibition of school projects by the students of EB1 Cabanas.

27th of April at 4pm: Who lived here.

18th of May at 4pm: Water and the expression of life.

14th of July at 2:30pm: The future lives here.

A Água e a Expressão da Vida

Direcção - Ana Mafalda Pernão

Fotografia - Alice Pernão

Dança - Alice Pernão, Carlo Schiavo, Catarina Pernão, Marin Delavaud

Música - Excertos tocados por Ana Mafalda Pernão e João Miguel Silva.

Parte da programação dos Equinócios, apoiado pelo Município de Tavira.


10 de Maio às 11:30 - Passadiço de Cabanas de Tavira
10 de Maio às 15:30 - Antiga Lota de Tavira
11 de Maio às 11:30 - Marginal de Santa Luzia
11 de Maio às 15:30 - Praça da República de Tavira

Dance happening and photography exhibition

Performance and traveling exhibition dedicated to water, with the theme of the Ria Formosa, the Gilão River and its importance for the territory of Tavira. Starting from a photographic series entitled Water and the Expression of Life by Alice Pernão, four dancers invest in various public spaces in the municipality of Tavira for a danced performance accompanied by music by C. Debussy and E. Satie, among others, and framed through the photographs.

Sentir Campos Urgentemente

Direcção - Ana Mafalda Pernão

Dança - Catarina Pernão, Carlo Schiavo

Música - Ana Mafalda Pernão

Regie - Apoio da Câmara Municipal de Tavira

Parte da programação da Festa dos Anos de Álvaro de Campos, pela Partilha Alternativa.


26 de Novembro de 2023.

Clube recreativo Cabanense, Cabanas de Tavira.

Participatory dance performance

Sentir Campos Urgentemente is a participatory dance show inspired by the life and work of Álvaro de Campos. Sort of a danced game which is played with the help of the audience, this poet's symbols and texts become matter through the felt expressions of the two dancers and the pianist.


Direcção - Ana Mafalda Pernão

Direcção e dança - Carlo Schiavo, Catarina Pernão

Parte do programa Mês Sénior do Município de Tavira.


12 e 13 de Outubro de 2023.

Biblioteca Municipal Álvaro de Campos.

Dance for health and well-being 

Dansanté answers the needs of an aging and sedentary global population by offering dance classes. Dance involves the physical, cognitive, social and expressive spheres, bringing proven benefits to the physical, cognitive and psycho-social health of the senior population.


Direcção - Ana Mafalda Pernão

Fotografia - Alice Pernão

Pintura - João Pernão

Música - Gabriel Gonçalves, José Lopez, Ruben Gonçalves

Dança - Carlo Schiavo, Catarina Pernão

Parte do programa Viva a Primavera apoiado pelo Município de Tavira.


18 de Junho de 2023.

Mercado de Cabanas de Tavira.

Photography and painting exhibition
Sons ao Sul concert.

Contemporasry dance show.

Solstice brings different arts to the popular Cabanas de Tavira market, willing to value the natural surroundings of the parish's daily life.


On display inside, photography and painting that reflect on this natural environment and the effects of sunlight on the world. Outside, the group Sons ao Sul - tuba, trombone and alto saxophone - presents a concert to which two dancers join in - contemporary dance.

Ocupação Contemporânea de Milreu

Direcção - Ana Mafalda Pernão

Produção - Élio Correia

Dança - Catarina Pernão, Carlo Schiavo

Conferência - João Nuno Pernão

Concerto - Patrícia Silva, Diogo Amorim, Guilherme Cruz

Parte do programa DIVAM apoiado pela Direcção Regional de Cultura do Algarve.


30 de Setembro de 2022.

Ruínas Romanas de Milreu.

Danced tour.

Conference on colour.

Trio Ultimatum concert.

The Contemporary Occupation of Milreu revives the Roman Ruins of Milreu and inhabits the heritage space through a danced tour that provides a guided visit to the ruins, a conference on the use of color in the surrounding space and a chamber music concert.


Aiming to overcome the frontier of time, the event dissolves many other frontiers and allows a perspective of union, where cultures and religions overlap, and where each person is a little bit of the other.

Get in touch

Associação Artística e Cultural do Algarve

Rua Charles Bonnet, 39
Cabanas de Tavira


+351 919187920